Roof coverings for flexible design
PVC is the material for single-layer roofing covers with the longest history of use, allowing for flexible design and roof type according to individual needs, such as special colored surfaces.
PVC waterproof membranes have been used for over fifty years. Originally considered a secret known only to the initiated, today millions of square meters are produced and installed every year. PVC was discovered accidentally. In 1835, the French chemist Henri Victor Regnault discovered that vinyl chloride, after prolonged exposure to sunlight, forms a white powder - polyvinyl chloride. Almost a hundred years passed before German chemist Fritz Klatte, in his studies to synthesize vinyl chloride from acetylene and hydrogen chloride in 1912. This laid the foundations for the industrial PVC production. Today, PVC membranes are an essential part of waterproofing technology. Exceptional physical charachteristics and a good price-to-quality ratio make PVC the primary choice for various applications. Easy to process, suitable for all climatic zones, self-extinguishing and vapor-permeable (these are just some of its properties) - PVC is an exceptional material for waterproofing applications.